1: Without it, set call for recompense (3)
4: Intoxicated with dances and drinks (9)
10: Non-professional laggard goes underground (4,3)
11: Odysseus' first requirement - to catch you like Polyphemus? (3-4)
12: Greek characters suggest dawn (3)
14: Neil Armstrong, first to return from another world? (5)
16: Its near the tradesmens entrance after dark (5)
17: And not in town, ordinarily (3)
19: Flower shop nosh about $41 (5)
21: Englishman opening a can to dine at home (3,2)
22: One may be a very long time (3)
23: A murder suspect, one hears? (7)
24: Gold tooth, perhaps, in satellite? (7)
25: Ball mislaid? Caned (5)
27: Confined bear without a trade (9)
28: Man, what an avant-garde US artist! (3)