1: There is no commoner old coin (5)
4: Town's rail transport, not express? (9)
7: Pair are only a short distance from the dance (3-4)
8: Italian composer making endless noise, sir (7)
9: Asian river ordeal; it's upset manufacturer (13)
11: Famous gardens said to move one to speak. (3)
12: To implicate is innate, swallowing a hundred backing Space Station One (11)
14: Barque, for one, is a trio-tutor (5-6)
15: Inflexible yet adjusted (3)
17: Guess what the benighted marksman did? (4,2,3,4)
20: Stupid alien filmed in undergrowth (7)
21: French heart pines for early courses (7)
22: Emphatic rejection of one joy was unusual (2,3,4)
23: Englishman opening a can to dine at home (3,2)