1: One hundred-odd bits of bombs in some projectiles initially (5)
2: Actress Ann admits painting one's sorrow (9)
4: Limits of Indonesian dictator lacking true measure of economy (9)
5: Remove top substituting pints for cups (5)
6: You audibly ram partner (3)
7: Giving up silly run, Reds tack on a couple of errors (9)
9: Pretty girl takes part in outdoor cooking? No just toys (6, 5).
11: Martyr fighting segregation (5,6)
14: Help out my parched elephant, for example (9)
16: Venus moving earth with Ipod (9)
17: Nothing, absolutely (almost) nothing, disturbs cool guys' covers (9)
20: Bored after meals? (3,2)
21: It might make an impression on a philatelist (5)
23: Infection leads from partly uncooked steak (3)