1: Sparks from auto backing up over tree (7)
5: Awful bed lace causes fiasco (7)
9: Create an impression on an envelope? (5)
10: Former color no longer available? (7)
11: Fashionable journalist coming back after battle (1,2,4)
12: Time has corroded faithlessness (7)
14: Ninth-inning heroics on one side or the other (9)
15: Neil lost a letter and ended up with nothing (3)
16: Worthless even when recycled (3)
18: Conservative, appropriate extension (5,4)
21: Aboard a ship is shipping magnate (7)
22: Certain engines stall less jerkily (7)
23: Announced at first match: 'You are on the net. This is unprofessional.' (7)
25: Bumps into butcher's display of tongue? (5)
26: Sneezy's problem largely fixed (7)
27: Debate again, coming from behind and vaguely in the middle (7)