1: Shifting financial fortunes cause industry revolution (8,5)
7: Had dressed formally without a hat (5)
8: Trying restful turns around ship (9)
10: Full house often enough to secure this young pet (5)
11: Switch trains without interest and sit (9)
13: Curse the mother country? (9)
15: Big Bird: 'Apologies--getting a late start' (5)
16: Norse gentleman? Not exactly. (5)
17: Gee, boys--pitch a suitcase? (9)
18: Mozzie disturbs lone sheep (9)
19: Got excited by unusual tulip (3,2)
21: Washed-up press agent, having dropped client's butt, is not the one in the driver's seat (9)
23: Seaport of royal Tamerlane? (5)
24: Canadian water ordered for regal tea-break (5,4,4)