1: Without it, set call for recompense (3)
2: Wooded hillock forming part of Arthur's territory (5)
3: Ran into a section of the time-table (3)
4: Footwear around Canada is a disgrace (7)
5: Ingrained reaction at home for wildlife (7)
6: Doctrine for some Kiwis makes sense (3)
7: In which the players are top-ranking officers? (5,4)
8: Rifles protect lady from 16-down overhead (11)
12: Just grazed the pasty? (4-7)
13: One in Canada, peut-tre? (7)
14: Nothing added to list for early riser (7)
15: Asked for quote in 3-D (9)
17: Raging hides evidence of debts (7)
18: Drive an unusual visitor (7)
20: I competed with climbers on the walls? (5)
23: Perfect counter-spy equipment (3)
24: Non-clerical song (3)