1: Actual air of confusion calculating insurance premiums (9)
2: Against space race effect (5)
3: Solo, the pilot rises? No way (3)
4: Neil Armstrong initially brought back extraterrestrial (5)
5: Mikes good tackling ice tower (6,3)
6: They can't reproduce sounds like an operating system (7)
7: Suggest out loud you dined wickedly (9)
12: at peoples uptown bar for starters? (3)
14: Forms of robbery involving hoisted flags (4-5)
15: To peel off cover for torrid paparazzi shot (9)
17: Mother loiters and pretends to be ill (9)
19: Note code with sorrow (7)
21: Totally lacking a lofty plaything (3)
22: Jet to Mars for one, never reaching the end (5)
23: A weapon as plunder (5)
24: Top class English under rising roof cover (5)
27: Pious woman in underground hideaway (3)