1: Actors were first to have moved on board (7)
2: Language making a comeback in modern Italy (5)
3: Water ceremony or fire in a crisis (7)
4: Keep rolling and swelling, Doc! (7)
5: Stays concerned with water pipes (7)
6: Horseman conveyed mineral to listeners (7)
7: Coats need woven yarns (9)
8: Bud tore angrily into Thomas, for one (7)
13: 16-down cousin waves at gorilla (9)
14: Name of girl getting praise in secret service (7)
15: Resident's web terminal missing (7)
16: Wrestlers grip held. Too bad (7)
17: Take out former pamphlet? (7)
18: Artist's entrance (7)
19: Hesper's fresh fields (7)
22: Not here? No, no! (5)