1: Prattle about nothing, meaning spear (7)
5: Window worker beginning to get more indolent (7)
9: Hovers over weaving implements (5)
10: Unwelcome visitors oddly unstirred (9)
12: Toff aimed to do himself proud. (11)
13: Right, turn right to play with robot (3)
14: Bushes put the kibosh on Reno's deal (9)
17: Spring water coming up natural, simple, and fresh (5)
18: A chair may be material (5)
19: Me in a green tent's ultimate in harmony (9)
22: Trashy dime novel about American sex symbol who's not all there? (5,2,4)
27: It causes a crash for one who owns a lot? (9)
29: Please start to sing at one San Francisco club (7)
30: Before much time has elapsed a nobleman takes that over there (5,2)