2: English poet writes about head of Scottish queen (7)
3: Ceremonial lamb turned about a revolving spit (9)
4: Call back upstart by the Spanish king of old Portugal (7)
6: Trunk contains piece of old knotted rope (5)
7: Shes said to be funambulists best friend (7)
10: Break down door with your visitor to Oz (7)
12: Will addition show 100 + 0 + 500 + 99 + 49? (7)
14: A woman loved what a Roman is content about (9)
16: Stand up funny as partner to a broom? (7)
17: Confederate general accepts a satisfactory discharge (7)
18: Piece of tile in a solid floor (7)
19: Talk about Spanish river vehicle (7)
21: A friend comes round to appease (5)
22: Making a comeback in White Horse Inn, a musical heroine (5)