1: It's over, over, over, kept apart by past payment (7)
5: Reduces strain from years of tension (7)
9: Three kernels of copper-yellow grain (3)
10: A representative may be a scamp (3)
11: Wine and cheese brought back by Gershwin? (7)
12: Rifles protect lady from 16-down overhead (11)
13: Perfect counter-spy equipment (3)
14: Mild guess: I die reassembling a nasty weapon (6,7)
17: I'll go geld guys - suprisingly he laughs raucously. (7, 6)
21: Right, turn right to play with robot (3)
23: Crazy to clean sons in awful mess (11)
24: Ingrained reaction at home for wildlife (7)
26: Worthless even when recycled (3)
27: Kitchen appliance is banker's first loaner (7)
28: Desires evil lives (7)