1: Gloomy semi-dull firmament (5)
4: Gang has finished chasing one left alone (9)
8: Noise of family gathering at the start (5)
9: Lada, for example, gets favourite treatment for VIPs (3,6)
11: Inflexible yet adjusted (3)
12: Sister gets nothing, we hear (3)
13: Hotel of more than average height in capital (7)
14: Sounds like a bright child (3).
15: Fast times with company cracked high-strung recruiter (6,5)
16: Bill board reflected family meal extra (5,6)
18: Crew member is one in operating room (3)
19: Weatherman Al admitting old club is a place to find chicks? (7)
21: Road without a pole (4)
23: Pate topping primarily honey and tamari? (3)
25: Happen to capture position (4,5)
26: Certain plants contributing to hectic activity (5)
27: Rejecting help, soldiers taking numbers for identification (9)
28: Bolted up tiptop earthenware (5)