1: Bigoted, ideological extremes in preamble to bill are misguided (9)
2: Freaky and tailless, Satan sits on worker (7)
3: Small drinks for each young man's agent (11)
4: Regarding Mutt, make a comeback? (5)
5: Friendly over age of consent? (9)
6: Pair are only a short distance from the dance (3-4)
7: Snoopy, no? Yes, in retrospect (5)
10: 15-acrosss toilet pot? Rubbish! (5,6)
12: State fair without a tree (6,3)
14: Conversation to completely stop about scrubs (9)
16: Identify a record from the Philippines (7)
19: Back out of agreement new legal group sent back (7)
20: High-carb food starts to provide a significant training advantage (5)
22: Scantily-clad in only a shred of fibre. (5)